About the Knit Lounge
Sarah - Owner/ Manger/ Knitting Tutor/ Yarn Addict
Hi! I'm Sarah and I founded The Knit Lounge after I decided to leave my career and start on a new adventure, one I feel truly passionate about. Running an independent yarn store! When I learnt to knit as an adult something clicked and I became addicted. There's rarely a day that goes by where I don't do at least a few rows or rounds, but most of the time I'm squeezing in as much knitting time as possible.
There's something transformative and meditative about knitting (and all craft in general) It brings us to the present, it gives us space to clear our heads or to work through any tough or uncomfortable feelings. It gives us a flexible mind, one that's keen to learn and try new things and one that's resilient too. It's taught me to not be such a perfectionist, to not worry and give it a go (something that I was never able to do before, always being scared to start in case I wasn't perfect straight away)

It's more than just knitting, it's all the friends I've made, all the wonderful and inspiring shops I have visited, all the amazing classes I've been to and all the new things each garment I've made has taught me that has led me to this point. I'm truly passionate about sharing all that with others and showing everyone the real value and power of craft.

My vision for The Knit Lounge is to have an inclusive space with regular knit nights, classes for a whole range abilities and crafts and to encourage people to try something new and push their skills. I want to help you achieve whatever knitty or crafty goals you may aspire to! Weather that's knitting your first sock, crocheting a blanket for a friend or loved one or dressing yourself head to to toe in your own glorious hand knits!
Our range of yarns are carefully considered and we believe natural fibres, especially wool, is underrated in this fast fashion world. We want our tools to be of the highest quality to make every stitch a pleasant experience. If you are spending all that time making something truly beautiful and unique it should be a pleasure to make not just to wear.
Sarah xxx
Browse the Collections
Baa Ram Ewe Yarn
Baa Ram Ewe yarns are made with a passion for wool. The...